Convos on Confidence is the podcast that gives listeners a window into the lives of some of the most confident people on the planet.

Join Bridgett McGowen, as she has conversations to reveal the secrets to my guests’ confidence.  As an award-winning international professional speaker, an award-winning author, and an award-winning publisher, she sits down with go-getters from all walks of life, backgrounds, and professions. 

They took the risks, they made the tough choices, and they pursued the opportunities, and now they encourage you to confidently do the same. 

Public speaking is scary.

Bridgett McGowen is an award-winning international professional speaker and introvert who, when she was laid-off from her full-time job, decided to launch her own speaking business. She sits down with other professional speakers and communication experts to give you experts’ most coveted secrets for how to be confident and poised on the microphone. You will get inspiration for how to to show up and deliver a message people love.

If you want to get past your fears of public speaking and you want real strategies for how to own the microphone, then this podcast is for you!

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  3. Enter “Own the Microphone” and tap “Search,” or enter “Convos on Confidence and tap “Search.”

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